The physical copy of the proclamation arrived today in the mail. Dang, this thing is FANCY!

Aromantics and Asexuals of the Emerald City
I am very pleased and excited to announce that Gov. Jay Inslee has proclaimed that October 20th-26th is *OFFICIALLY* Asexual Awareness Week in the state of Washington!
I want to thank all of you in this group for helping make this happen! I also want to thank Governor Inslee for signing this, and giving Washington the distinction of being the first state in the nation to recognize Asexual Awareness Week.
This is a BIG deal for the ace community. As far as I’m aware, this is the first time Ace Week has been officially recognized anywhere.
Here is the ceremonial proclamation:
Full Text:
The State of Washington
WHEREAS asexuality is an often unknown and misunderstood sexual orientation; and
WHEREAS people who are asexual but have not heard of asexuality may often feel confused, discouraged, and lonely; and
WHEREAS discovering asexuality can be an affirming, positive, life-changing experience; and
WHEREAS the goal of Asexual Awareness Week is to promote education and understanding about asexuality; and
WHEREAS there are estimated to be at least 70,000 openly identified asexual people in the State of Washington; and
WHEREAS the inclusive and diverse State of Washington is proud to be at the forefront of LGBTQIA+ recognition and acceptance;
NOW, THEREFORE, I, Jay Inslee, Governor of the state of Washington, do hereby proclaim October 20-26, 2019, as
Asexual Awareness Week
in Washington, and I encourage all people in our state to join me in this special observance.
Signed this 15th day of October, 2019
Governor Jay Inslee
ETA: Click here to see pictures of the physical copy they sent!
The Seattle Aces marched for the first time in the 2018 Seattle Pride Parade! It was an awesome experience! Here are some photos from the march: